Monday, May 11, 2009

A little more background

Dear Friends,

I want to give you a little more background this week about STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT. This really is a developing ministry. Two very fine organizations have teamed up to get the Gospel out to difficult unreached people groups. (UPG's). STADIA has a great name and history of planting churches throughout the United States. JONATHAN PROJECT has a great story of planting multiplying churches throughout the world with special emphasis in the Philippines, East Asia and NW India. Over 1,000 multiplying churches have been planted among UPG's and over 300,000 people have come to faith...just in these past 12 years under the ministry of the JONATHAN PROJECT.

Both ministries recognized that they had something wonderful to offer in a global initiative. They asked the question, "How can we partner together to accomplish the task of taking the story of Jesus to 'all the world?'"
  • STADIA asked, "What can we do from our position in the States?"
  • JONATHAN PROJECT asked, "How can we make a greater impact in more UPG's in the world?"
  • The simple answer to these questions was the formation of STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT. (SI-JP)
  • That is where I entered the picture. Both ministries came to me and asked, "Would you be the face in the west of this global effort?"

Many of you know that I have had not only a heart for planting churches in the U.S., but I have also had the privilege of traveling the world, preaching, teaching, encouraging and consulting the body of Jesus Christ. This new opportunity with SI-JP seemed to play right to my strengths and passions. Judy and I really believe that this also was a direct answer to the prayers of the Eastside Elders, and many others for that matter, as so many came along side of us in the pursuit of God's heart for the Kingdom and for this next chapter in our lives. We truly believe that we really are right where God wants us to be in terms of ministry and work within the Kingdom of God.

Here is one blessing I want to share with you. This is all local but it has global implications. Our good friends at Grace Korean Church here in Fullerton, will be dedicating their new $40 million dollar plus Vision Center, May 31, 2009. I have literally traveled the world with Grace Korean. We have been so closely connected to this great church. Grace has started over 8,000+ churches around the world in the past 27 years and has grown to 5,000 weekend worshipers. For the first 20 years of their history they did not own any property. They rented space from schools, churches, etc. They were too busy planting churches all over the world to worry about owning and developing their own property. About 5 plus years ago they bought their first propertyand business complex buildings in America, in Fullerton to be exact, to build a church building they would use as the central hub for all of their local and world wide ministries. The dedication of this new space will take place at 5 PM, May 31st, in their brand new World Vision worship center on the corner of Brookhurst and Valencia in Fullerton. Grace Korean Church and Senior Pastor Paul Han, as well as founding Pastor David Kim, have asked me to be the keynote speaker for this dedication service. I count this to be one of those incredibly high honors to be with my friends from Grace Korean Church and together be able to dedicate their absolutely beautiful Vision Center to the glory of the Lord!

I believe this event is part of what STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT is all about. We are working together, with the nations, to accomplish the purposes and plans of God. This is done locally, right here in Fullerton! It is also accomplished globally as we work and pray together, as the Body of Jesus Christ, to accomplish the Great Commission Jesus gave to His disciples to carry the Gospel into all the world!

If you are interested in knowing more, join with others who are calling, seeking and asking-"What is this STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT all about anyway?" I'll be happy to spend time with you to answer questions, to cast vision, so you too can see the supernatural hand of the Lord hard at work not only here but all around the world.

With many prayers,
Graydon Jessup

P.S. I will be preaching May 24, 2009, for Ed Moreno at New Day Christian Church, 2191 5th Street, Norco, CA 92860. Sunday Worship services are at 8:45 AM and 10:30 AM. New Day is one of the church plants from Eastside Christian Church!

May 31st, 5 PM, Dedication of the Vision Center, Grace Korean Church, corner of Valencia and Brookhurst, West Fullerton.

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