Monday, December 21, 2009

Final Post for 2009

Dear Friends,
This is the final post for 2009. For those of you closely following this weekly blog I DID NOT make an entry last week...on purpose. It was intentional. I knew I would be writing today, December 21st. And I know I will NOT BE WRITING December 28th! So, this is it for 2009!

We began this new journey with STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT, (SI/JP) April the 6th of this year, 2009. It has been a great ride! Bottom line, we connected some churches with some GLOBAL JONATHANS who were connected with unreached people groups (UPG's). And now because of the "sowing of the message" we are ready to connect many more in 2010! Essentially this is what we do: Connect churches (1) with UPG's (2) and with JONATHANS (3) who are trained and ready to go. This triad is what enables us to do accomplish this task the Lord gave us, "To go into ALL the world...."
  1. We identify UPG's of 100,000 or more people
  2. We connect churches with a UPG from the list we have prepared
  3. We train JONATHANS who are entering that UPG we have connected with a church(es) to plant multiplying churches within that particular UPG.

Now obviously it is a little more detailed than the three easy steps above...but you get the point. Right now we have churches praying about the UPG's they are going to adopt for five years. We want to be sure that there is a relationship with all three- Church/UPG/JONATHAN! This is not some black hole "out there" but rather these are real people with real needs and a real hunger to hear the story of Jesus as told by real modern day JONATHANS. I can get excited about that kind of relationship and I know you can also! And that, among other reasons, is why we are in this CONNECTING position! It is great to see God at work among people who have never heard the story of Jesus...ever! People are transformed. The story of Jesus becomes a burning passion for so many of the people. Whole villages are transformed. The Lord Jesus does HIS work and you and I have the privilege to be a part of this eternal "Jesus Movement" with UPG's around the world.

So we are on pins and needles looking with anticipation and eargerness at what the Lord is going to do through STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT in 2010. Let me make sure you have our contact information.

Graydon and Judy Jessup


Judy and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year in 2010 that exceeds all of your expectations and anticipations!

With prayer,

Graydon and Judy Jessup

P.S. I give this next information with a certain amount of hesitation. But people have been asking and so I need to humbly respond. People have asked, "can we help you and Judy in the telling of this story by not only praying for you but also in helping you along financially as we know you are serving in this position by faith?" Our answer is "yes, and thank you so much for wanting to partner with us." If this is your heart desire, (and not taking anything away from what you are already doing financially) you can send contributions to:


P.O. Box 19700

Irvine, CA 92623

Include this information on the check registry: Jessup 6-805

Once again thank you so much! Graydon and Judy Jessup

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