Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 2010

Dear Friends,

Judy and I both pray you had a wonderful celebration over the July 4th weekend. We certainly did. It was a little different in that it was so quiet for us. But with the rescent travels and all we were glad for the down time. This week finds us back at the helm and ready to go- or at least as ready as you can be when you come off of a four day weekend!

HEART & SOUL90.... In my last post I said I would explain this more, so what is this all about?

As we traveled around last year for THE JONATHAN PROJECT, it became clear to us that we needed to provide some way a busy person of 2010 and beyond, could connect with the reality that nearly 2 Billion (That is a "B") people have never heard the Name of Jesus Christ. They just do not know who He is! That can be pretty overwhelming. In fact it seems so impossible that people often just throw their hands up and think to themselves, "What can I do that will make any difference at all?"

So we asked ourselves a whole bunch of questions and out of those questions and conversations came this idea. Let's provide an opportunity for people to be supportive of the JONATHANS of the world by identifying with Jonathan's ARMOR BEARER who said in I Samuel 14:7: "DO ALL THAT YOU HAVE IN MIND...GO AHEAD; I AM WITH YOU HEART AND SOUL!"

I want to give credit where credit is due. The original idea was created by our daughter Carolyn Sessom. She lives with her husband Jody and their three children in Wasilla, Alaska. Her thought was, "I am a busy Mom. How can I get involved in something so huge?" And out of her thinking came this concept- HEART & SOUL90. I bought in to the idea- hook, line and sinker (as the fisherman says!) Essentially this whole ministry will be web driven. Currently we are getting our paperwork in order- which means, Articles of Incorporation, Filing a 1023 with IRS, satisfying the requirements of the State of California and putting together some Bylaws and other such details. All of our paperwork is in the process of going through "the system." The STADIA folk have been incredibly helpful as they walk through this process with every new church plant. We should have all of our approvals sometime this summer- depending of course on how quickly the paperwork goes through the governmental system.

Once we are approved I'll spell out the details to one and all. The end result: Busy people can be involved and they can make an eternally significant difference in the spreading of the Gospel to the "least reached" among us!

This whole concept- H&S90, is designed to support THE JONATHAN PROJECT and the planting of multiplying churches in very difficult unreached people groups within the context of who they are and what they have.

Stay tuned as this only gets better. I'll be seeing you next week.


Graydon Jessup

Speaking opportunities:
  • July 11th, Life Journey Christian Church, Bakersfield, CA
  • July 18th, Life Journey Christian Church, Bakersfield, CA
  • August 1st and 8th, Team Expansion, Kentucky (Teaching during the two weeks there)
  • August 21st/22nd, The Rock, Fullerton, CA
  • August 29th, Mission Viejo Christian Church, Mission Viejo, CA

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