Monday, November 8, 2010

Great News

Dear Friends,

Greetings to all of you from Boulder, CO. Judy and I are moved in and we have started an Interim Ministry with Boulder Valley Christian Church for six months to one year. ( We are looking forward to the adventure. It has already been established that this move for us really is a "God-thing" in some pretty amazing ways. Our current plans are that we will continue our move North to Alaska once our assignment here is completed.

While here we will continue our global ministry with THE JONATHAN PROJECT as well as the developing ministry of HEART AND SOUL90, which is the energizing support base for THE JONATHAN PROJECT. As I have mentioned in other places, our five year goal is to see 100,000 churches planted among the least reached people groups of the world. Our first year goal was to see 5,000 multiplying churches planted among the least reached people groups. From the various reports we are receiving we are on our way to meet that goal for this year!

Many of you will have the opportunity to read the article I have written in The Christian Standard ( That article has generated a lot of discussion- all good I might add. We are working hard to get this word out that there are specific ways to connect modern day JONATHANS with unreached people groups. It is our objective to see that all people hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that they are able to make that personal decision of receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior and as their Lord! If you would like to know more about the possibilities of getting connected- send me an email: We will connect you with an unreached people group and with JONATHANS who are trained and ready to carry the Gospel to the least reached on the globe! You can make an eternal difference in the lives of those who have never heard!

Let's be in contact and let's see where this might all lead us!

With many thanksgivings!

Graydon and Judy Jessup

P.S. If you pass through Boulder, CO, look us up: We would love to see you!

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