Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A little peek

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your friendship and support- both prayerfully and financially.

We received a very touching email yesterday. One of our trained people in the heart of the middle east was trying on appropriate clothing...think burqua...for the area where they would be living and serving. The reality of the entire process was a real wake up call. But the "wake up call" was not one of fear or of running away or of wishing for a mission/ministry entirely different. This person understood the importance of the mission; the value of lives never touched by the Gospel of Jesus; the importance of partnership with Jesus in one of the most hostile places on the planet! And with gladness they were happy to put on the "clothing of the culture" that others would hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I thank the Lord for partners like that who are so committed to the presentation of the story of Jesus Christ to least reached people groups, that clothing, separation from family, strange foods, and even fear of governmental and/or religious unrest and unpredictability will not stop or hinder the flow of the Gospel!

What a see that the Gospel is proclaimed to the least reached people groups on the planet. And you are, or can be, a significant part of that team. To discover what you can do right where you are send us an email and we'll get you started on the venture of a lifetime- right where you are!


Graydon and Judy Jessup

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