Monday, March 2, 2009

Salt Lake City

To all of our wonderful friends,

Currently I am in Salt Lake City with a team of about forty people praying over this city. We are seeking the heart of God for a whole new church planting movement in this place. This includes many details- a person(s) to lead a team that would plant a multiplying church plant; people who would move to Salt Lake and be part of such a movement; the raising of necessary funds to accomplish the task. This conversation is all very edifying, encouraging and stretching! Out of these next few hours (Monday and Tuesday) we believe the Lord will show us what we need to see and confirm the directions that are prepared for future development.

Bottom line, we do want to see six churches moving forward with witness and testimony in this city in the next three years! Pretty ambitious, but we are trusting the Lord in this project!

As part of my JONATHAN PROJECT role, I am here helping, networking, praying and strategizing. We continue to move forward on all fronts.

Most of all right now I covet your prayers. God is good!

Prayers and blessings,
Graydon and Judy

P.S. This note will be shorter as you can see. More next week!


Anonymous said...

Hi Graydon,
I am not sure if you remember me. Growing up I went to your church from second grade to high school. I attended Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah and now work in Salt Lake City. My mom (Allissa Kinsella) and her husband, my sister (Shannon Schwarz- now in Kansas) and her husband, and my dad (Charles Gale) and his wife all went to Eastside. Also my aunt went there and she is the one that actually e-mailed me this blog. Anyways, all that to say that I am in Salt Lake City and would be more than happy to help you in any way that I can. I just moved up here last May. I go to church in West Jordan and also help out with Campus Crusade. When I read your blog, I couldn't believe that you were in the same neighborhood as me. Utah is such a unique area and it will be blessed to have you here. Whatever you need I would be more than willing to help you. In fact I would really appreciate serving in whatever way you need help.
God Bless,
Kristen Gale

Anonymous said...

P.S. here is my e-mail and pone number!