Monday, April 13, 2009

Any progress yet?

First, let me say "hey" to everyone out there!

Somebody asked me a very good question: "So, what have you actually accomplished for STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT, so far?"
  • On the surface it does not appear like much!
  • Below the surface there has been a whole lot of "turning dirt" and "getting things in the pipeline!"
  • Working with a project you do all the preparation behind the scenes and at the appropriate time everything comes together and you see the fruit!
  • This morning as I started on my day I had 21 line items I needed to take care of. All 21 (except for this blog) were pretty much work behind the scenes...but which will bear fruit at the right time!
  • My days right now are filled with emails and phone calls and meetings. On the surface it looks like busy work. But the objective is that all of this "behind the scenes work" will produce fruit- changed lives for eternity!
  • Remember Galatians 4:4: "But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son..." There was a whole lot of history that had to flow beneath the bridge before Jesus came to the planet we call earth!
  • In no way am I comparing any earthly ministry to the heavenly project God unveiled in His Son Jesus Christ.
  • I am suggesting that Jesus came at the appropriate time. And we know that there are those "seasons," those "decades," those "years," those "days," that are appropriate for us in our work. That is what I am speaking about.
  • I believe THE STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT will be taking shape in "days" and that the "years" and "decades" will bear fruit way beyond our wildest imaginations.
  • Somebody asks, "you think that 'fruit,' (changed lives of men and women in unreached people groups) will be harvested even in this world wide condition of unrest and faltering economy?"
  • Absolutely and YES!
  • I believe more people than ever will be ready to hear about Jesus Christ. I believe that the world situation provides incredible opportunity for the Body of Christ. Our world is coming to realize and experience, literally, that nothing is "forever" as far as what the world has to offer. That is why people will be turning to Jesus Christ!
  • As Jesus said in very difficult times so many years ago: "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." Luke 10:2. We believe that the harvest is plentiful. And by God's grace we will pray, and pray and pray for workers. That is why we are so involved in STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT. "And why do you believe that?" you ask.
  • Because added to those prayers is this key action component in STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT: it is the identification, the assessing, the training, the empowering and the releasing of global workers, missionaries if you please, in the Body of Jesus Christ, to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus to the peoples of this earth!
  • If you would like to hear more, be in contact: or phone: 714.488.7922.

Yours for the Kingdom of our Lord!

Graydon Jessup

P.S. If you are in the Southern Cal area I have two speaking dates coming up:

  • April 26, 2009. Greater First Christian Church, 4915 Emerald St, Torrance, CA 90503. Services are at 10:45 Sunday morning. Host Pastor: Michael Starks
  • May 24, 2009. New Day Christian Church, 2191 5th Street, Norco CA 92860. Host Pastor: Ed Moreno (We'll include times of the two morning services next week)

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