Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter 2009

Dear Friends,

Judy and I wish you an Easter remembrance, 2009, that is over the top. The key to all we do is grounded in the belief and reality that Jesus Christ was in fact raised from the dead. We join the Apostle Paul who wrote these words: "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins." I Corinthians 15:17. There are many other insights Paul writes about in I Corinthians 15 and specifically, 15:12-19, which I would encourage you to read and think through this Easter 2009. The question Paul asks in that verse has an answer: Absolutely! Jesus was INDEED raised from the dead! Our faith is NOT futile! We are NOT still in our sins, IF we have received HIM as our Lord and Savior! There is a resurrection from the matter what anyone else says! There are many other words that could be written, but as you read all 58 verses of I Corinthians 15, you receive the imparted word of the Lord as penned by the great Apostle and you come to understand and receive the extraordinary teaching and insight about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And in that teaching you also come to realize that you are a part of the story, HIS-story, and that your resurrection is secure because of what happened to Jesus and because of your choice to follow Him as your Lord and Savior!

We live in a day when the entire story of Jesus Christ is under incredible attack. It is not unlike the days of the Apostle Paul when he and others of faith were villified and attacked because they not only believed Jesus was indeed the Son of God, but that God did in fact raise Him from the dead.

You might be thinking to yourself, "that is kind of strong isn't it Graydon? To write that the entire story of Jesus is under America?" This spring let me ask you to do something if you don't think that is true:
  • If you are a any level, just stand up in the classroom and at the appropriate time in front of the teacher/professor and other students say, "I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I believe God His Father raised Him from the dead. And I also believe that the only way back to God is through His Son, Jesus." Remember, what you just said is all from Scripture: Romans 10:9-10; I Corinthians 15:20; John 14:6. Sit back down and watch the class, the school, the school board, the administration, one and all come unglued! Be prepared to be expelled either from the class or from the school. It will not be a pretty sight! (If you want real time proof, I encourage you to get on the PACIFIC JUSTICE INSTITUTE web site ( and sign up for their FREE emails by clicking on the "Stay up to date" button, top right hand side of their home page. You will see and hear what is happening specifically in the State of California in regards to the rights of people of faith!)
  • As a co-worker, make that statement in the lunch room to your fellow employees.
  • As a member of a good social organization- say those words in a public meeting.
  • As a member of the PTA, make that statement to a group working on a school project.
  • Mention it at a coffee time in your neighborhood.
  • See what kind of response you will get in any one of those settings and all of a sudden you will realize in a very real way that in "this so called Christian nation..." the story of Jesus Christ is under attack...BIG TIME!

I don't say this to be an alarmist. I am saying this to be a realist. I am also saying this because we live in an age when much of the body of Jesus Christ is "asleep at the wheel" while the world changes all around us.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ IS a BIG DEAL! The celebration of Easter 2009 is a HUGE opportunity for the Body of Christ! As all of those who believe in the resurrection celebrate this enormous truth this year, my prayer is that you are overwhelmed with the reality of the One Who not only died, but Who was also powerfully raised from the tomb of death never to die again! Listen to Paul once again: "I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable...we will all be changed- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye..." I Corinthians 15:50-52

STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT exists because of the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! It is the goal and objective of our lives to not only join HIM in the eternal heavens, but to bring as many people as possible, along with us! To KNOW Jesus is to LOVE Him; to LOVE Him is to SERVE Him; to SERVE Him is to bring HONOR and GLORY to His everlasting NAME! The bottom line: TO JOIN HIM IN THE ETERNAL RESURRECTION! No matter what the world or the culture might believe, we believe in Jesus Christ, God's Son, raised from the dead, coming a second time! And we are prepared and eagerly looking for His second coming!

May God bless you, your family, your church, this Easter 2009!

Graydon and Judy Jessup


Anonymous said...

Dear Judy and Graydon,

Easter 2009 really touched my heart. Your writings are so true, and I thank God I can say those words. God is great. I and my family look at your blog every monday and can't wait to read what is going on in your life and you always leave words that touch our hearts.

Thank you so much for your inspiratioal words.
Happy Easter

The Whole Ward Family and Hansen Family

We love you both.
Thanks again

Unknown said...

Our family would like to also wish you a very memorable Easter 2009.

Your blog post is right on!

Those five letter words:J E S U S can get you into a lot of trouble these days but we have been set free and therefore we move forward because of what He did for us on the cross. (Phil 2)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I just got myself a sermon! Thanks for the encouraging word. You are right - we are under attack; and so many of us are asleep at the wheel - or at least lulled at the wheel.

We need to drive the thing! Kick that baby out of neutral and hit the gas. Our nation - and our neighbors need to know the truth that Jesus laid His life down for them.

Blessings on you two this Easter!

A Friend who Follows