Tuesday, October 20, 2009

From Thailand to Alaska and to Colorado

Dear Friends,

Judy and I just unpacked our bags from Thailand and then we repacked them to travel two different directions. Judy is in Colorado for about ten days with our youngest daughter and three of our twelve grandchildren. Matt, our youngest daughter's husband, is on his way with some others traveling to Brazil, SA to check out some strategic mission opportunites there. I headed North and I am traveling throughout Alaska the next three weeks telling one and all this STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT story. This past weekend October 16-18, I was in Fairbanks, AK. I was able to speak seven different times over the weekend! Made me feel like I was back at Eastside Christian Church preaching and teaching a full weekend. It was a real joy to be with friends I have known for many, many years. And it was further joy to meet brand new people who are pursuing the heart of God in the living out of life following Jesus...in Fairbanks, AK

So why are we doing this ministry and this travel?
  • We believe that this is the calling of God upon our lives at this time.
  • We believe that what we are doing has eternal consequences.
  • We believe that what we are doing is an answer to the prayers of the Eastside Christian Church Elders when they prayed over us a year ago as we entered this new chapter in our lives- namely, THE STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT and all of the possibilities wrapped up in this global ministry.
  • We believe that with the years of our Pastoral experience under our belts, we have a platform from which we can speak and influence others in regards to preaching the Gospel in very difficult unreached people groups.
  • We believe firmly in the vision- from the heart of Jesus Christ to the implementation of that vision- "to go into all the world and preach the Gospel."
  • We believe that the next few years of our lives can be used to make an eternal difference in many, many lives- specifically, the lives of men and women, boys and girls who have never heard the Name of Jesus Christ.

So, we travel and speak. We pray and we work. We never forget who our Commander is. We read and reread the Word of the Lord. We strategize. We plan. We dream. We implement. And as we move along we invite any of you to join this unusual parade!

I invite you to be in contact with us. Can we come alongside of you as you purpose to come alongside others who carry the Gospel to the far reaches of the planet? This JONATHAN model of ministry is the training of others from anywhere in the world, who will train others, who will in turn train others, so that indeed, a God sized Movement is unleashed and like a snowball gathering speed down a slope, the Gospel gains speed as it moves through the very difficult unreached people groups of the earth! We believe that God is up to some pretty BIG activities in the hearts and lives of many, many people. These people wear many different kinds of hats- some are like JONATHAN and some are like Jonathan's ARMOR BEARER. Many are in difficult unreached people groups. Some people are in churches in America and are waiting to be challenged by a God-sized global vision. Others are living in other places around the earth and they are looking for significance in serving Jesus Christ as their Lord and King! It takes all kinds of people from many, many different backgrounds who will team up together to accomplish that great mission and vision of the Lord- "...go into ALL the world and preach the Gospel."

I invite you! I implore you! Be in prayerful contact with me. As we talk together I know the Lord of All will open doors of possibility for you in some capacity, in some way, to impact some very difficult unreached people group for eternity! I look forward to your call or email.

May the blessings of the Lord be upon you!

Graydon and Judy Jessup




P.S. I will be speaking at:

  • Homer Christian Church, Homer, AK, October 25th
  • Baxter Road Bible Church, Anchorage, AK, November 1st
  • Faith Christian Community, Anchorage, AK, November 7th and 8th
  • I'll be attending the National Missionary Convention, Peoria, IL, November 19-22

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wiill be praying for many good things to happer for you both.
Charlotte Dorris