Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In Alaska, October 2009

Dear Friends,

"I am a day late and a dollar short" but we are getting this blog out today- Wednesday the 28th of October! This journey throughout Alaska these past few days has been awesome! Let me explain:
  • I have met with people who became our friends in 1969/1970 when we originally moved to Anchorage.
  • I have met with people who became our friends over the 22 years we spent serving Parkside Church in Anchorage, Alaska.
  • I have had the privilege of speaking in churches from Fairbanks to Homer and points in between. (For those of you who do not know the geography of Alaska, Fairbanks is at one end and Homer at the other end of the highway system! In round numbers they are about 9-10 driving hours apart!)
  • I have had the privilege of telling the STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT story everywhere I have traveled.
  • The people in Alaska tend to be world travelers and so they have a "feel" for what is happening in unreached people groups worldwide.
  • I have discovered that the people I have met in this state want a "hands on relationship" with the unreached people groups.

There are other things I could say but these will need to suffice for the moment. Needless to say, we are building and rebuilding relationships for partnering up in the future. As churches and individuals consider this opportunity- to impact an unreached people group for eternity- their hearts are filled with optimism and possibility. And that really is the bottom line: People who have never heard the Gospel story are hearing. And as people in America hear and understand that the Gospel is moving forward into unreached people groups, they, then, are moved to pray and financially support the preaching and teaching of the Word to that unreached people group.

In the next five years we are praying for a "Movement of God!" We want to see the 1,000 churches that were planted in the past 12 years jump to 100,000 over these next five years! This is a God sized vision and goal- but when you follow Biblical principles it can happen. Remember II Timothy 2:2. When people train people who train people who in turn train people, the Kingdom of God begins to expand exponentially! When that happens you have a MOVMENT on your hands- not led or directed by anyone...other than God the Holy Spirit! "God Movements" are Acts 29, or they are beyond our comprehension. Let's get excited about doing something beyond our comprehension and understanding and control! Let's let God be God in the hearts and lives of the unreached people groups of the world.

Prayers for the exponential growth of the Kingdom of God in our generation!

Graydon Jessup


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