Monday, January 25, 2010

Final "Post" for January 2010

Dear Friends,

I cannot believe it! One month is essentially gone...eleven more to go for 2010. And yes we did get our rain last week. It was wonderful! And we are suppose to get more this week...which is also "wonderful!"

Just a handful of days left and we begin living out of the suitcase for 2010! Our travel plans have taken shape for this year...up through August. As I write this I recognize it takes many different people with many different gifts to accomplish all that the Lord has in store for us. I Corinthians 12 is so true! "As it is, there are many parts, but one body." (I Corinthians 12:20) Our part is "connecting!" We "connect" UUPG's and/or UPG's with trained Global JONATHANS and with churches stateside. We have a "three-legged" stool if you please:
  1. The first "leg" would be those least reached people groups around the globe.
  2. The second "leg" would be those trained global JONATHANS who are ready to go to a "least reached people group."
  3. And finally we have you- the "armor bearers" who are supporting the JONATHANS as they "enter the battle," or, as they go into the least reached people group whether that be a UUPG or a UPG!
  4. When the three legs are up and running the team is moving forward and moving the ball towards the end zone. (Sorry, I just watched two football games yesterday and the teams that moved the ball over the goal line more times, were the teams that won! I had to go to college to figure that one out!)

All three legs are dependent upon the other. We do not move in our own little world separate from others. We need each other. So our role in this great venture is to "connect" the three legs together so that we can "move that ball towards the goal line!" Our definition of "moving the ball towards the goal line" is seeing multiplying churches planted; seeing people who have never heard the Gospel hearing it for the first time; seeing these people take what they have heard to others who have never heard!

You may be wondering to yourself, "How can I get involved?" Hit us with an email or a phone call and we'll tell you. That is what we are all about- "connecting" UUPG's and/or UPG's with trained GLOBAL JONATHANS...and YOU!


Graydon and Judy Jessup


P.S. I am preaching this week, Jan 31st, at Greater First Christian Church in Torrance, 4915 Emerald St, Torrance, CA 90503. Morning Worship is 10:45 AM

Feb 7th, I will be speaking at Central Christian Church in San Jose, CA.

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