Monday, January 11, 2010

Intense travel and visiting stateside churches

Dear Friends,

I will be traveling extensively through the rest of January/February and the first part of March visiting churches in the West. If you would like a visit or you know of someone who should hear the STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT story would you let me know. I will be happy to set up meetings, explain the vision, and answer the questions. Bottom line: we have trained JONATHANS ready to enter UUPG's and/or UPG's. We need to connect Churches with these JONATHANS as they enter UUPG's and UPG's around the world!
  • UUPG- Unengaged Unreached People Groups- those who have NEVER heard the name of Jesus Christ!
  • UPG- Unreached People Groups- those people groups where 1% or less of the population have heard the name of Jesus Christ.

You could have a significant part in this global vision just by giving us a name(s) of a Church, a Pastor, a Mission's Pastor, a Mission's Committee, an interested Home Group, an interested individual. Do not think to yourself, "oh, that Church, or that person would not be interested in helping some UUPG and/or UPG!" Don't talk yourself out of anything! We can make contact and set up appointments. It is amazing to me that as people hear this global vision they get all excited...and rightfully so!

"STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT is the assessing and training of global JONATHANS and then the releasing and empowering of these trained JONATHANS to plant multiplying churches in very difficult unreached people groups (or, "least reached people groups") in the context of who they are and what they have without the long term support of American dollars."

Everytime I tell this story you can see why people want to get on board.

  1. People want to play a part in seeing that the Gospel is carried to all nations and all people groups.
  2. People want others to hear just like they have heard.
  3. People want to be in on the Great Commission of Jesus Christ when He gave the Commission: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel..."
  4. People sense that the "signs of the times" point to the soon return of Jesus Christ and they want to be part of that "telling/sending" community of believers preparing the way for the Lord!
  5. People KNOW the power of the Gospel and the Presence of Jesus Christ...and they really want that gift for those who have never had the opportunity to KNOW the power or to have been able to receive Jesus Christ!

You can help us. Give us names! Give us phone numbers! Give us email addresses! We'll do the rest as we tell this story over and over again!

With many prayers,

Graydon Jessup


P.S. I'll be speaking in Torrance, CA, Greater First Christian Church, Jan 31st and then at Central Christian Church in San Jose, CA, Feb 7, 2010

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