Thursday, September 23, 2010

ONE BIG Change for the Jessups

To all of our Friends scattered everywhere:

After much prayer and some fasting, we have made the decision to move from Southern California back to Alaska.
  1. Seven of our twelve grandchildren live in Alaska!
  2. We can do our JONATHAN Ministry from anywhere in the world- which would include Alaska!
  3. When we realized those two realities, we made the decision to move forward.
  4. We put our home up for sale and it sold in 18 days- unheard of in this economy!
  5. The inspection of our home revealed three very small corrections. Our Realtor mentioned that she had never seen something this quick and/or easy.
  6. Everything being equal our 30 day escrow should be completed October 21, 2010. We should be packed up and on the highway immediately after that date.

Here is a very important thing to remember: We will still be doing THE JONATHAN PROJECT...yes, from Alaska! Our momentum is in full swing and over the next year or so we will see this ministry continue to expand and explode. With technology and air travel, we can do this ministry from anywhere in the world. We will not be slowing down.

I wish I could have told everyone personally, but that was an impossibility. So we will need to rely on "technology" to get this word out.

We will keep you all posted!


Graydon and Judy Jessup

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