Monday, July 13, 2009

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your thoughts, your notes and your prayers. The "bigness" of what God is doing over the face of the earth is overwhelming at times. Good thing He is running the show and not me...or you...or somebody else!

Not only is it summer time in real time, it is also "summer time" in STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT! In the spring time you prepare the soil and you plant the seeds. In the summer time you cultivate, water and weed. In the fall time you reap the harvest. We are in the "cultivation, watering, weeding" season of this ministry! Translated this means we are spending a lot of time with people, building new relationships and strengthening old ties. The end result will be the harvest, which for us is the sending of "Global Jonathans" into the unreached people groups on the planet! Allow me to repeat the definition of this ministry:

"STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT is the identification, assessing, training and sending of Global Jonathans (I Samuel 14:6) into difficult unreached people groups (UPG's) to plant multiplying churches, within the context of who they are and what they have, without the long term support of American dollars."

Over 1,000 churches have been planted in the past twelve years. Over 300,000 men, women, boys and girls have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the next three years we see this becoming a "movement" and growing exponentially on all continents- excluding Antartica! The words of Jesus Christ Himself ring in our ears, pound in our hearts and His words move us to action: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...(Matthew 28:18-20,) and as we go we baptize and teach!

Here is what happens in the villages and towns where this Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ is proclaimed:
  1. Whole villages are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.
  2. Entire UPG's are impacted with the grace of Jesus Christ.
  3. Broken relationships in families are healed.
  4. The fears of ages old "spirit worship" are removed.
  5. Little girls are not sold into the worldwide sex trade.
  6. Young boys reject inclusion into radical terrorist organizations.
  7. New Believers practice compassion and forgiveness.
  8. Believers change their businesses- for example from growing poppies for opium to creative businesses consistent with their new found freedom in Jesus Christ.
  9. Education is encouraged.
  10. Attitudes towards health issues such as sanitation, clean drinking water and diet all change.
  11. A discernable difference is seen between villages- those receiving Jesus Christ and those not yet hearing the Gospel story.
  12. New Believers share their story all over the place...and multiplying churches are planted.

This is a true principle: The message of salvation in Jesus Christ changes the individual, the family, the village and the unreached people group. As I said earlier, "It is a good thing that God is running this show!" It is huge...and you can be a part of it! Give me a call or send an email. You can make a difference for unreached people group at a time.


Graydon Jessup

Speaking dates:

  1. July 26, 2009, Mission Viejo Christian Church, Mission Viejo, CA
  2. August 9, 2009, Newberg Christian Church, Newberg, OR
  3. September 13, 2009, LifeSpring Christian Church, Beaumont/Banning, CA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this ministry sounds like the best way i've ever heard of to do missions! it's great to hear your passion about it. i am & will be praying for you & judy. i remember you both often!
-Nicole Kennedy