Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Divine Appointments!

Dear Friends,

I love "Divine Appointments!" But before I talk to you about this let me say, "I know that this is July 8, 2009, and NOT July 7th, when I said I would be making my next entry!" Better a day late then not at all, right? Right!

So here I am, minding my own business, working hard when there is a knock at the door! Standing there is a friend I had not seen for 19 years! Really, it was one of those "divine appointments." The questions were asked. What about children? What about grand children? And where are you living? And what has the Lord been doing in your life? You know it always gets around to, "And what is the Lord doing in your life?" I love that question. When it is asked you then have permission to begin bragging on the least that is the way I look at it! And so I start bragging! And for those of you who know me, I don't get excited at all!!! NOT!

Our world is pretty crazy right now. Life, values, politics, governments, finances, life goals, long standing relationships...seems like so many very important pillars in life that we have taken for granted are changing at warp speed in front of our very eyes. In fact it all makes some people want to run and hide! But then one of those "divine appointments" happens. And once again I am affirmed and reaffirmed in this truth: The Lord, He is God and He is Good! Life may be a little crazy and unpredictable, but the Lord is NOT crazy and He certainly is NOT unpredictable!

In the concluding chapter of Hebrews the writer is encouraging the Body of Christ. I mean the chapter begins with "Keep on loving each other as brothers." (Hebrews 13:1) Life was "topsy-turvey" in that period of history when the book of Hebrews was penned. Crazy? You bet! Unpredictable? Well that was one quality that was "predictable!" That is, everything would be unpredictable! But throughout Hebrews the writer discusses the various "divine appointments." In fact I challenge you to read the book quickly, like reading a newspaper, with that question in front of you: what are the "divine appointments here?" You will be amazed and impressed. And the reality is the Lord works that way even today. In fact that happened to me earlier today...a "divine appointment!" "Divine appointments" are not something we manufacture in our own strength and wisdom. "Divine appointments" just seem to happen...and when they do, hopefully we see that event for what it is. It is something the Lord put together quite apart from our creative ability and strength of wisdom and manipulation. These "events" are from the Lord!

But let me remind you of something from Hebrews 13. You just might be frustrated, or at least deeply disturbed by what you are witnessing in our world- the craziness and the unpredictability! And yet you are affirmed and confirmed by the "divine appointments" the Lord keeps bringing to your front door. Here is what Hebrews 13:8 says: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." That is a promise you can bank on. And just as the Lord prepared "divine appointments" in the book of Hebrews and throughout Scripture, He is in the business today of making those "divine appointments."

"Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear as well as a heart that is receptive, to YOUR "divine appointments" that you have prepared for us!"

And that is what excites me beyond measure with STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT! God has an incredible number of "divine appointments" He has prepared for us in this "crazy and unpredictable" world. And a large number of those "divine appointments" would be the taking of the Gospel to the unreached peoples of the globe! "Thank You Lord for those "divine appointments!"

Prayers and blessings,
Graydon Jessup

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