Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Winema Week of Missions 2009

Dear Friends,

I will be spending a week (August 2-7) at the Winema Campgrounds on the Oregon Coast for the annual Week of Missions. This event has been held for many years for the Christian Churches of Oregon specifically and the Northwest generally. The history of the missionary movement out of the Northwest has had a long and historic tradition- and I mean "tradition" in a good way. Many men and women have made decisions to travel the globe telling the story of Jesus Christ as a direct result of this Week of Missions. Many churches and individuals have made decisions to support missions and missionaries prayerfully, emotionally, financially and spiritually as a consequence of the Week of Missions.

I will spend the week with the thousand to 1500 people who will be passing through the campgrounds for the week. Some stay the entire week. Many come for a few days. Others drive in for the nightly services. Designated speakers teach and preach. Various missionaries are highlighted and tell their story. In the main meeting hall many missionaries and mission agencies will have booths set up. As people pass by they hear the stories and learn about the missions.

STADIA INTERNATIONAL-JONATHAN PROJECT will have one of those booths. I will be there throughout the week meeting people, talking about SI/JP and what the Lord is up to in our world...from our perspective. It is a great opportunity to connect and that is exactly what we are currently doing in the travel and speaking for SI/JP.

If you would like to know more about this ministry I would be happy to share that with you. Remember what we are all about: "The SI/JP is all about finding, assessing, training and releasing Global Jonathans (I Samuel 14:6) to plant multiplying churches in difficult unreached people groups, within the context of who they are and what they have, without the long term support of American dollars."

With prayers for global ministry,
Graydon Jessup
Preaching dates:
Newberg Oregon, Christian Church, August 9, 2009
Beaumont/Bannning, Life Spring Christian Church, September 13, 2009

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